We all think we know football, we all think our opinion is far greater than the next mans and we all think we know what’s going to happen between now and the end of the Premier League season (well I do anyway!).
So, here’s you chance to show us what you’re made of and I’ll find a decent prize for the winner come the end of the season.
Simply copy the questions about the Premier League below, paste them into the reply box, add your answers and hit submit.
You’ll score 5 points for each correct prediction. The winner will be the person with the highest total points.
You have until 11am on Saturday 17th August 2013 to get your predictions in. Any predictions made after that time will not be considered for the prize.
Here goes: (and remember, it’s Premier League matches only)
1. Which team will be top of the league on *Christmas Day 2013?
2. Who will be Manchester United’s Top Goalscorer?
3. How many goals will Manchester United concede AT HOME during the entire season?
4. Which team will Manchester United accumulatively score the most goals against HOME AND AWAY?
5. Which team will win the Premier League?
6. What position (1-20) will Manchester United finish the Premier League season in?
7. Which Manchester United player will finish the season as United’s Player of the Year?
8. Who will be crowned Premier League Player of the Year?
9. Who will be the Premier Leagues Top Goalscorer?
10. Which 3 teams will get relegated?
11. Who will be the first Managerial casualty? (Includes sackings, mutual termination etc)
12. What will the winning margin be between the Winner and the Runner-Up? (ie how many points or could it be goal difference again)
13. Predict ONE player who will sign for Manchester United between 18th August – 2nd September 2013.
14. Which Manchester United player will be the first to get sent off? (0 = No Red Cards)
15. How many goals will Anderson score?
In the event of a tie:
Q: What will be the highest attendance of the season?
*26th December
If you post your predictions today but find you want to change something before our deadline (due to unforeseen events such as United signing Ronaldo, Gundogan, Garay, Lukaku, Fellaini, Draxler and Wanyama – in the same day!) – leave a reply under your original post and I’ll edit it.

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