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So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

This is a long time coming. This site’s been a big part of my life since the May of 2007 and I have to say, with a heavy heart, (and without much ado) I bid farewell to the loyal readers and the great community that’s grown around the site.

This might come as a shock to a few, but I think the vast majority of regulars probably already know this site has been on life support as far as frequent updates go. (Thank you David for your match previews, or this would have been worse)

Biggest thanks of course go to those who contribute below the fold—to those of you who’ve kept this site going despite me with their passionate rants/opinions—you know who you all are.

I have a lot going on the personal front, career-wise and otherwise which makes it impossible to run this thing. I have made several false starts in trying to rejuvenate this blog but I’ve never been able to match up to the consistency of the peak ’07/’08/early ’09 years. I have come to realize that this blog will be better served in someone else’s hands, and I trust Ahmed will do the needful to keep the site going. Shutting it down will be unfair on the community and would never be the option. However, I’ve heard word from Ahmed (of in case you didn’t know) that he’s got a few writers lined up to make this place more prolific. The last post by Eddie Griffin is one of many more to come, I hope. [Contact Ahmed if you want to contribute.]

And as for me. I may or may not come back—and even if I do, it will be only as a guest contributor.

PS: Those of you who’ve emailed me asking me where I have been, apologies for not responding promptly. I will reply over this week.

Glory, glory!



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