As you must know by now, Gabriel Heinze has lost his bid to join Liverpool (more over at Soccerlens).
It puts him in a very difficult situation now as there’s barely a chance for him to win the appeal for his Liverpool move, and there is little time left to negotiate a move elsewhere.
Many Manchester United fans have turned on Heinze during this whole process (not surprisingly), and would be glad to see his back. While that’s an emotional response and not necessarily the best thing for the team (Heinze is our best left-back), it’s a valid concern that his actions (and especially the fact that he wanted to go to Liverpool of all teams) will have driven a wedge between him and the other players and apart from the stick he will get from the fans, there’s little doubt that he’ll definitely remain 2nd or 3rd choice now.
So what to do?
I don’t think he wants to go to France (that’ll be a step backwards for him), and unless a opportunity comes from La Liga or Serie A, or unless he buys out his remaining contract and heads over to Liverpool, there’s a good possibility that Heinze might stay at Manchester United, at least till January.
What do you guys think? What should Ferguson do with Heinze? Forgive him and give him a second chance, or have him taken out, bagged and dumped in a dark alley tonight?

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