Now that the “Greatest Game in the World. Ever.” (â„¢ ® © Skysports) is over and well talked about, it is time to bask in the deathly silence that has followed. Yes, dear friends, it’s that time when there isn’t really anything newsworthy to talk about. But as it is necessary we will go about discussing some of the more prominent ones that caught our eye.
Of course, I haven’t forgotten that we have the small matter of playing Kiev in midweek, Wednesday to be precise. But we will get to that in due course. Hopefully we can get over the gut-wrenching draw at Arsenal and cane the Ukranian team in retaliation. A 7-0 would probably do. But then I would be asking a little too much.
To start with, we have Owen Hargreaves who seems to mock Arsenal’s beautiful football; calling it ‘so-called’. Okay it’s not mocking really. What he said was that we managed to disrupt their rhythm rather successfully. I had actually planned to write an article questioning the Arsenal’s claim as being the sole proprietors of beautiful football. While the football that we play is merely attacking. While it is acceptable to see Gooners saying that about their club, it is particularly annoying to see the media cheerfully creaming over their brand of football, while conveniently ignoring that of ours. Unless, of course, that is because we, along with Chelsea, are among the most hated clubs in England.
It is likely that in midweek, we might actually get to see Mr Glass start. Hopefully this is the beginning of a sustained run of appearences/fitness till the end of the season. I know I am dreaming a little too much. Blame it on the lack of sleep over the past few hours.
And finally it looks like we’ve captured the signing of a Norwegian starlely, Joshua. Of course, nothing is official. And when we get to hear something more solid we will report on that.
That’s all for now to be honest. Until tomorrow.

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