Not much to talk about today apart from linking you all to news that has become pretty stale by now.
Anyhow, let’s get on with the routine.
Sir Alex Ferguson (our esteemed manager) believes that Tevez and Rooney can work together. I believe, I also wrote a similar article a few weeks ago, but what do I care? Anyway, in case you are interested to sift through archives, here’s the link to that article. In case you still want my opinion on that without caring to click on the link, here it is again: Yes, Tevez can play well alongside Rooney!
SAF dispels rumours and states for certain that he wouldn’t be sending Pique and Rossi out on loan. His idea is that the promising lads will be given no more that one season out on loan, tops. Well I don’t mind that if they are given a fair run in the side when they return. Otherwise they’d be better off farmed out to a team that can guarantee more playing time.
It looks increasingly likely that Giggs will be given yet another year’s extension to his contract. That’s great news and just reward for his hard work, versatility and the value of his experience. Although, sadly, I guess that will be his last extension.
The Daily Mail runs a very good interview of SAF. It is a must read. There are plenty of interesting things you note. Especially his thought on having so many options in attack, Tevez and Rooney, Arsenal, Mourinho, Liverpool, Torres and the list goes on endlessly. He seems very relaxed going by the way he spoke freely with the questions put to him. I don’t want to quote from it because I could pick plenty of them. So once again, go ahead and read it.
Finally, the Republik of Mancunia blog, a very good Man Utd blog, I assure you – although the guy isn’t too prolific – has a post on Chris Eagles. It is a good read and I thought I must share it with you guys too. I do plan to write on some of the more promising youth players who will be expected to feature next season and Eagles is one of them. He was eye catching even during the Asian tour with his spectacular chip in the game against Shenzhen. His playing style wouldn’t be instantly eye catching, but he produces moments that would make one sit up and take notice.
Anyway go read that post, and I’ll see you later.

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