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Manchester United News

Boring Manchester United News

I took a break yesterday with the hope that I would be able to report more news today. Sadly all that happened in the world, over the past couple of days, was the barking of a stray dog at it’s own reflection; the marching of ants, from the front door of my apartment to the kitchen; and a congregation of pigs along the banks of the neighbourhood gutter, looking to plot world domination — much like the ones on George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

Except that all of this didn’t really happen. If you think about it, the world would have been more interesting to me had I actually seen these aforementioned events unfold. Imagination can be a funny thing.

All this does not disguise the fact that there is precious little to report today. At least nothing related to actual football and MUFC.

But here we go.

Deloitte’s Football Money league declares Real Madrid to be the richest club, pipping Manchester United. I am actually yawning as I type this. So does anyone care? As long as we’re debt ridden, it doesn’t matter if we are the richest in the world. I really can’t be too bothered about our supposed wealth when our long time future seemingly hangs in the balance. Whether the Glazers have a sound business point or not, no one will breathe easy until the day our debts are cleared — which, if everything goes to plan, looks like the year 2020. By then, of course, the Premier League, bored with it’s globalisation plan, will start scheduling games in Mars.

Manucho looks to the future‘ is how the Sky Sports headline goes as our African signing looks to impress in Panathinaikos. He also reflected on his African Cup of Nations performance:

“It happened as I expected – to score one goal per game. My team-mates supported me well and I have to thank them. I believe things could have been even better if we progressed to the semi-final.”

He looks a fairly confident lad and we’ll have to keep a close watch on the Greek league, and the second leg of Panathinaikos’ clash against Rangers, by which time he should be playing, hopefully.

Cristiano Ronaldo has been fined for texting during a training session. Sadly we don’t have the all important scoop on who he sent the message to. I suppose, on a slow day, such details become extremely pertinent.

And finally the most boring part of the article. Quotes from players.

Ryan Giggs first, and he thinks United are focused on a treble and would rather win ugly than trying to win a contest on who plays the better football.

Meanwhile Rossi thinks Ronaldo is the best. Shock. Awe. Tomorrow we’ll probably run the same line with Rossi replaced with some other footballer. In fact, you pick the name, we’ll run it.

And Adebayor also thinks Ronaldo is a rather good player. But he thinks he’s like PlayStation. To be honest though, I can’t really be sure if he actually said that about Ronaldo. You will know what I mean if you see these two videos: Video Link 1 and Video Link 2




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