When people abused him, he ignored them and let his players make them cry.
When a ‘respected pundit’ laughed at his ‘kids’, he made sure the pundit’s words would haunt him to this day.
When the world wrote him (and his team) off as a fading force, he gave them a fitting riposte; one that was delivered by his team with such force and breathtaking style.
Well, I’ll spare you the rhetoric as I can go on and on with this one. As some of you might have noticed, at the top menu of this site is the Sir Alex Ferguson Page where we plan to build a shrine/tribute to the great man. We hope to build up on whatever form of media (print/audio/video) and put together a nice compilation. At present it has some 60 odd memorable quotes which we hope to add to.
If you find more interesting stuff, be it audio/video/print please do not hesitate to get in touch with us using the Contact Form. We will attribute you in our credits.
Hope you find our compilation to your liking.

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